OPM Collective Terms & Conditions
Are Circles therapy? Coaching?
Circles are group therapeutic by nature; they are not group therapy. Circles, instead, use peer-to-peer coaching to guide the experience.
What is peer-to-peer coaching?
The design of Circles is meant to facilitate a peer-to-peer coaching experience for all members of the Collective, in which members learn how to listen and respond to one another. The facilitator teaches and guides the members to become “peer coaches” to one another.
Who is my Facilitator?
The Facilitator is not a licensed therapist or certified coach, but rather a positive psychology practitioner, with a MAPP degree from the University of Pennsylvania.
Circle Session Policies
Client will be placed in a Collective with 4-6 other members.
All Circle sessions are conducted over the online Platform called circl.es. No one else has access to this private online room.
Scheduling of Circle sessions is determined in advance. Circles occur every other week at the same predetermined time.
The Facilitator and all members in the Collective commit to starting and finishing each session on time.
The Client is advised to not miss any Circles (see “Missing a Circle” below), but if they must miss one due to unforeseen circumstances, they will not be refunded any monies.
Between Sessions
You may email your Facilitator in between sessions. You may also message the other members in your Collective via the private Facebook group.
Initial Engagement and Investment
Three month initial engagement
Two Circles per month (@ 120 mins each)
Total of six Circles over three months
Investment: $150/month or $400 upfront
Billed upfront or monthly on the 1st of each month via credit card
You may sign on to continue with this Collective or another Collective for another 3-9months
Missing a Circle
Being part of a Collective with others is a very special opportunity- a special opportunity you value because you put money toward it. We advise not missing any Circles. But we know life happens sometimes. In fact, Circle is the perfect space to come to when life does happen. It is here where you can find a group of trusted people whose sole intention is to hold space for you to explore your “life” non-judgmentally. That being said, we also want to hold you with care and compassion, and so, if it is necessary for you to miss one Circle, please make sure to not miss more than one Circle. The “health” of our Collective is determined by how each individual shows up in Circle- literally (i.e. attendance) and figuratively (how “present” they are when they are present). Please positively contribute to the health of our Collective.
Facilitator, even though not a certified coach, agrees to maintain ethical standards of professional behavior set by the International Coach Federation (“ICF”). For more information, consult coachfederation.org/code-of-ethics.
As the Client, I understand that:
It will be necessary for me to show up as my “whole self” (literally and metaphorically) to each Circle. If I choose not to, I realize that I may not receive the benefits of Circle and I might hinder the others in my Collective from receiving the benefits of Circle.
Circles are a comprehensive experience that may involve all areas of my life, including work, finances, health, relationships, education and recreation. I acknowledge that deciding how to handle these issues, how to incorporate learnings from Circles into those areas, and how to implement my choices in these areas is exclusively my responsibility.
Circles are not to be used as a substitute for professional advice that legal, medical, health, financial, or other qualified professionals provide.
Information shared (verbal or written) in Circles and on the private Facebook group is held in strictest confidence (except when required by law to share, in which case the Facilitator will handle it).
The Facilitator and all members of the Collective agree not to disclose any information pertaining to any member of the Collective during a Circle, during the duration of the membership, and after the last Circle.
The Facilitator will also not disclose the Client’s name as a reference without the Client’s consent.