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Looking for your group of friends?

I see you,  I love you. You are not alone.

Connection & belonging are arguably the most vital part of being human and when we we don't feel like we belong to a group of people or when we don't feel like we can meaningfully connect to others (pandemic-related or not) life can feel hard. And these feelings can feel particularly acute in our 30s. Maybe that's what brought you here in the first place?


It's time to find your group where you belong, to connect with others,

and to go deep, but also be light.


So let's start with a cuppa tea.


TEA Time on Tuesdays with Sophia & Others

is like having tea at your teacher’s house with your peers. It is part a lesson in positive psychology and part a taste of OPM Collective membership.  It is full of authentic human connections (some of which may lead to new friendships and new groups to belong).

It's only 45mins. And it's free.






Please select a date you prefer:
Please select your time zone:

Come how you are (no matter the physical or emotional state)

with a cup of your favorite tea in hand.

I will see you (online), and I love you.

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